Ethics and good practices

For the Suma de Negocios Journal, it is important to ensure ethics in each of its publications. Therefore, the Editorial Board, peers, and authors adhere to the guidelines to improve editorial practices proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), including its provisions regarding plagiarism. The COPE code can be consulted at the following link

Suma de Negocios identifies the following as unethical practices:

  • Plagiarism: When parts of others’ work are taken, transcribed, duplicated, paraphrased, etc., passing them off as one’s own. When the original author of the information is omitted in a citation.
  • Citation manipulation: Improper use of secondary citations; incorrect attribution of citations; inappropriate application of citation norms; subtraction or addition of words to a citation that leads to misinterpretation; excessive self-citation or the detection of repetitive or redundant citation patterns that raise suspicion.
  • Falsification or fabrication of information: When data are altered, included, omitted, or used that are nonexistent and may affect the results or their interpretation.
  • Refried or redundant publications: Using parts of previously published works as if it were unpublished material. Changing the title of the publication, altering part of the article’s body, changing the language of the article, among other practices.
  • Privacy violation: When the use of informed consent is omitted or when unauthorized use of the name or face of those who contributed to the research is made.
  • Inclusion of authors who have not participated in the research or article preparation process or the exclusion of authors who have participated in the research or article preparation process.

Editorial ethics

The Suma de Negocios (SUMNEG) journal will not publish work undertaken without the necessary permissions or whose data has been illegally collected. The opinions expressed in the papers are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not compromise the opinion and scientific policy of the journal. The authors will be in charge of obtaining the reproduction rights of any material that has been set forth in their work

The authors should list all the organizations that funded their research in the “Funding” section of the manuscript, including any necessary grant numbers. In addition, any financial or personal relationship the authors have with other people or organizations that could give rise to a conflict of interest in relation to the manuscript that is submitted for publication must be described.

Only those people who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work should appear in the list of authors. To appear as an author, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Have participated in the conception and design, in the acquisition of data, and in the analysis and interpretation of the information that has resulted in the paper in question.
  2. To have collaborated in the drafting of the text and in its possible revisions.
  3. Have approved the version sent to the journal.

Suma de Negocios safeguards the rights to intellectual property and good scientific and editorial practices. For this reason, strict compliance with citation standards is reviewed through different strategies to ensure the originality of the manuscripts.

It is emphasized that the manuscript must not have been previously published (partially or totally). Please offer transparency in the reuse of material to avoid text recycling or “self-plagiarism”. It is not appropriate for the same study to be divided into several parts to increase the number of submitted manuscripts and submit them to one or more journals over time.

Additionally, the data used for the elaboration of the manuscript must be real and not fabricated or manipulated to support its conclusions.

No data, text or theory elaborated by other authors should be presented as their own. To do this, citations must strictly follow the APA style. Authors are invited to preferably use paraphrasing and not quotes.

Plagiarism detection policy

SUMNEG’s editorial team uses Turnitin to check for matches with other sources. The report must not exceed 8% similarities, excluding citations and references. If the percentage is higher, the paper will be rejected in the first phase.

In cases where it is considered that the similarities can be addressed, authors will be returned for adjustments. In both instances, the journal will provide a copy of the analysis conducted as a support for the decision made.

We strongly encourage researchers to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Articles published in Suma de Negocios are subject to a Creative Commons license (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International), allowing the free dissemination of the work without alterations to the final version. Proper credit is to be attributed to the original authors through appropriate citations, and commercial use is not permitted.

The names and email addresses provided in the Suma de Negocios Journal will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

It is important to note that the articles published in the Journal represent the opinions of the respective authors and do not constitute the official position of Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz.

Complaints and appeals policy

Suma de Negocios journal will attend and resolve arguments or appeals related to non-compliance with any of the practices described in the editorial process involving authors, reviewers and the editorial team.

When the appeals refer to:

  • If a document is not published, the arguments will be thoroughly evaluated without this implying a publication commitment.
  • High matches with other sources, the journal will support the result of the Turnitin report. If this is not enough, it will resort to the opinion of an external evaluator.
  • The results of the peer review, the author’s arguments will be analyzed and, if necessary, a new reviewer will be asked to define the result.
  • The conduct of the members of the editorial team of the journal will be attended by the members of the Editorial Committee.

For any of the cases described, or even if there are complaints from readers, the interested party must send a letter to the editor of the journal to The communication must state the matter duly motivated and justified. Once the letter and each of the elements that justify the complaint or request have been reviewed, the Editor will respond and resolve it.

Finally, no request for inclusion or withdrawal of authors will be considered after acceptance of the manuscript.

Journal Policy on Ethical Oversight

If in checking the originality of the work, the members of the editorial team suspect that it does not respect the legal requirements in relation to the manuscript, author’s rights and copyright, or plagiarism, they must inform the author(s). They reserve the right to contact the institutions of the authors that have incurred in this practice.

Conflict of Interest

The Journal promotes the use of conflict of interest declarations as a transparency tool. Authors are required to identify personal conditions, employment relationships, funding or support with resources, etc.

Both authors and reviewers, as well as members of the editorial and technical team of the Journal, must explicitly declare any information regarding potential conflicts of interest that may affect the results or their interpretations. Authors are to do so when submitting their article, while reviewers are to declare conflicts upon receiving the arbitration request or when they identify any element that may influence the review outcome. In such cases, they should notify the Journal’s Editor to arrange for a replacement.

If a conflict of interest is detected in a previously published article, space will be provided for authors to explain the situation, and necessary clarifications will be incorporated into the article’s information.

Post-publication discussions and corrections

Suma de Negocios does not accept modifications in the papers after the printed publication. In the process of producing the paper, the authors are asked twice to review the version of the document with changes.

In case of serious errors or omissions that affect the paper in a material way, but do not invalidate the results, it is possible to request the publication of a correction note linked to the digital version of the paper.

Publication Schedule

The journal maintains a continuous publication frequency in digital format, with a biannual numbering. Papers are published as they are accepted.

Archiving and Digital Preservation

The journal ensures the preservation of all its information through storage on computers and external disks. Additionally, complete contents are available on various platforms such as SciELO, Redalyc, and

Open Access and Non-APC Policy (Article Processing Charge)

Suma de Negocios operates under the diamond open access model, ensuring that no fees are charged to authors or institutions for article review, processing, evaluation, or publication (commonly referred to as APCs or article processing charges). All content is freely accessible and available on the platform.

Direct Marketing, Communication, and Advertising

The use of the ScholarOne Manuscripts platform during the article submission process enables Suma de Negocios to communicate effectively with authors and send relevant information. It is important to note that we do not sell information to third parties.

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Research and Scientific Publishing

The Suma de Negocios Journal includes the following recommendations regarding the use of AI tools.

Transparency: Authors should be transparent about the use of AI in their research and publication. This includes reporting the type of AI used, the data on which the model was trained, and any potential bias in the model.

Reliability: Authors must ensure that the AI used is reliable and reproducible. This includes using validated models and being aware of the limitations of AI.

Equity: Authors should avoid the discriminatory use of AI. This includes being aware of potential biases in data and AI models.

Based on the above, the following considerations arise:


Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, currently do not meet the authorship attribution criteria of the Suma de Negocios Journal. Specifically, authorship attribution involves responsibility for the work that cannot be effectively applied to LLMs. The use of an LLM must be adequately documented in the Methods section.

Use of AI-generated Images

Paragraph on the use of AI-generated images in a scientific journal

AI-generated images are a powerful tool that can be used to visualize scientific data in an innovative and engaging manner. However, it is essential for authors to be transparent about the use of these images and provide appropriate credits.

In particular, authors should include the following information in the manuscript:

  • The type of AI used, including the model name, provider, and version.
  • The data on which the model was trained, including the data source, sample size, and any potential bias in the data.

Example of credit statement:

Figure 1. Image generated by AI using the DALL-E 2 model from OpenAI.

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